Oak Circle
$1,000 Level
Stephen E. Canter
Dr. Isobel Coleman
Linnea & Bradley Dorin
Jerry P. Dankel
Fred & Sally Doulton
Leonard & Carolyn Gero
Robert Wilson Hanley
Jean Henning
Sealy and Mark Hopkinson
Eric Krasnoff
Hugh & Patricia O’Kane
Kwang Park
Nicholas Paumgarten
Harry and Celeste Pinkerton
Bonnie Schinagle
Dennis Schrader
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shea
Peter Weinberger
$5,000 Level
Max and Missy Geddes, Jr.
Oak Tree Sponsors
Bruce Addison
Ann & Elliot Conway
Coppola Family, in loving memory of Edith & Jack Yanover
Louise Danetra, in loving memory of John Danetra
Cosmo H. Guarriello & Lissa V. De Angelis Happiness Fund
Sally Peters & Hal Davidson
Philip & Linda DeJana Family Foundation, in loving memory of Phil DeJana
Debra & Claudio Del Vecchio
Frances & Robert DeSalvio
Linda & Charles Garnett, in loving memory of Cassandra H. Dunn
Victoria Greenleaf & Michael Kempner, in honor of Jane Stebbins Greenleaf & Doris C. Kempner
Lesley Lewis, in loving memory of Frank C., Gloria M., and Hank Lewis
Mary MacDonald, in loving memory of James MacDonald
Mary Ann & Joseph Marriott
Susan & Jeffrey Lee Moore, in memory of Patricia Gail West Moore of New Orleans and Chapel Hill, North Carolina and in honor of Lynn Mapp Wiggins of Portsmouth, Virginia
Joanne Morrison
Duncan Sahner
Hollis Russell, O’Neil Charitable Trust
Klocke Family, in loving memory of Shirley & Jack
Sandy Pearson
Planting Fields Foundation 2023 Golf Classic
Kim & Rahul Vinnakota, we honor Joy & Haywood’s love of trees & gardens
Amy Xu, XY Realty Inc.
Annual Fund Supporters 2023
Listed alphabetically by last name
Gloria and Richard Accera
Jonathan Affatato
Stephen Akseizer
John Albrycht
Laura Ault
Walter Paul Bebirian
Karen Belfer
Marion Berenson
Robert Bernado
Pat Bertell
Cristina Birkic
Theresa Brady
Leonore Briloff
David Brown
Ann M. Caputo
Laura Casale
John P. Catera
Ronny Ciarniello
Kevin Clowe
Katherine Cohen
Robert Eugene Cohen
Marion Coleman
Andrew Coughlin
John and Carole Coyne
Marvin and Eva Cramer
George Davenel
Maria Dioguardi
Remsen and Tim Dooley
Suzanne Ecton
Abby Eisenberg
Estate of Charles Serota
Nicole Evangelista
John Ferrante
Margaret Garcia
Brandon Geist
A and R Gentile
Mark Goidell
Katherine Gold
Nancy B. Greenfader
Vincent and Jan Hartley
Charles and Trudy Hetzel
Nina Hilbert
Rolph Hornung
Alfred Huberman
Michael J. Kimmel
Alice Kohnert
Andrea Louie
Helene and Mark Manas
Jason Mann
Patricia Merendino
Alicia Milinis
Meir Mowlem
Richard Murtcott
Innis O’Rourke III
James O’Rourke
Peter and Elizabeth Pace
Janet Parga
Alice Parker
Barbara Perlson
Anthony and June Ann Petro
Jessica Piazza
Jay Pilnick
Carol Poll
John Salerno
Cecile and Stan Saretsky
Robert Schmidt
Thomas Schmidt
Mitchel and Sueellen Sommer
Linda Sotomayor
Peter and Ruth Stearn
Bettye Stephens
Matthew Sterner
Dorothy and William R. Titus
Lucy and Norman Trabulus
Joel Traugot
Susan Troncone
Thomas and Stephanie Visceglie
Mikhail Vorobiev
Donald E. Weber
Joel and Margot Wilkinson
Patricia Woloszyn
Lisa Zielazny
Edward Barchuk
William and Ellen Bell
Jill Bellospirito
Vicki Brail
Ginger Clarkson
Thomas and Carol Clingan
Peter Coe
Cornelius Colley
Barbara Conolly
Robert Copp
Jeanine Corrigan
Claire Costa
Constance Cross
Margery Daughtrey
Sophie B. and Warren Dillaway Ayres
Ann and Mike Duffy
Toni Fleig
Elizabeth Fuchs
Linda Gardiner
Glen Garden Club
Pierre Gonthier
Julio Luis Hermadez-Delgado
Guy E. Hildebrandt
Carolyn Hyatt
Virginia Jacobson
Elizabeth Kahn-Ingleby
James and Carole Kelly
Chul and Soo Lee
Anne Leonard
Carol Levatino
Vivienne S. Lewis
Richard Liskov
Joan D. Lovejoy
Alan and Nancy Morris
Elizabeth and Robert Munson and von Stade
Raymond Muntz
Ellen Nichols
Barry Nobel
Joseph Panico
Nastasia Pollas
Christina Porter
Barbara and David Preston
Robert J. Pristas
Joseph Saphia
Mark Schaier
Angelo and Constance Silveri
Anthony Spataro
Syosset Garden Club
Grace Searby
Garret Sern
Christine A. Sullivan
Stuart Timm
Pamela H. Tuttle
Barbara Venable
James and Susan Wagler
Lisa and Jimmy Wang
Mary Beth Weinberger
Colin and Jennifer Wiggins
Harrison Wilson
B Miller and Associates Incorporated
Adam Boyd
Daniel Bystrom
Alexander and Jacki Chernoff
Kate Dimancescu
Irene F. Hamm
CeCe T. Haydock
Barbara King
Mario Fishetti Nursery Inc.
Anthony Oprisiu
Bruce and Grace Stillman
Jennifer Wiggins
Marc Winston
Kathryn Agrell
American Portfolios Financial
Kevin Burke
Sarah Coe
Isobel Derouet Coleman
Emily Frick
Stanley Greenman
Hunter Restaurant
The John McMillin Foundation
Kathy & Lou LaForgia
North Country Garden Club Of LI, Inc.
Betsy and Jeffrey Pash
Peter J. Pell
Rodney B. Berens
Bernadette Castro
John K. Colgate
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Foschi
Aileen and Ian Gumprecht,
The PHFFoundation, Inc.
Lucia Nuzzi-Meyer
Nancy B. Taylor Giving Fund
Ron and Pam Preston Phipps
John and Hope Reese
Richard and Alice Thall
Stephen H. and Anne Watters
Sandra Coudert Graham,
Frederic R. Coudert Foundation
Mary MacDonald
Andrew F. Nevin
Virginia C. Pierrepont
Miranda Brooks
Constance Cincotta
Lilly Christy Busch Hermann Charitable Foundation
Bruce Addison
The Craigmyle Foundation
Claudio and Debra Del Vecchio
*Donations received as of December 20, 2023. If we have misspelled or omitted your name, please let us know at info@plantingfields.org